IT Allies

Email support that delivers

Are you having issues with your email going into spam?

There aren’t many issues more frustrating, than problems with your emails that you can’t seem to solve. What’s worse is when the emails you’re sending to colleagues, clients and partners – and vice versa – aren’t delivering.

We work with you to make sure your email, is setup correctly and protected for the modern world.

You don’t have to worry about all the tech behind it, you can just have confidence in emails being delivered.

Luckily, as your IT Allies and specialists in Office 365, we can identify, fix and prevent these issues from obstructing your business’ important work.

Our email deliverability services ensure your emails are protected against spam, malware and other advanced threats that can hold you back. We also offer email encryption, archiving, continuity and regular monitoring to ensure everything is always running smoothly.

Check out our full range of email services:

Support Response Weekdays 9-5 excluding BH 4 hours 2 hours 1 hour
Remote Reporting and Management software
Patch Management
Managed Anti-Virus / Anti-Malware
Remote Support
Onsite Support per Month N/A 2 hours 4 hours
Email Signature & Disclaimers Management
Spam & Malware Protection
Email Encryption
Advanced Threat Protection
Email Archiving
Email Continuity
DMARC email monitoring
Technology Business Review Meeting Annual Bi-Annual Quarterly
Security Awareness Training N/A
Typical number of Users 1-3 4-10 11+
PER USER PER MONTH £50 £45 £40
Want to get the best possible protection for your business’ email? Fill in the contact form below to get in touch with us, your IT Allies, today.